Ville d'Acton Vale : Avis Important.
*Règlement 110-2005:
Entre le 1er mai et le 1er septembre de chaque année, l'utilisation de l'eau provenant de l'aqueduc municipal pour arroser les pelouses, jardins, arbres, arbustes et autres végétaux est défendue, sauf pour la période suivante qui est permise : 19h à 21h.
Par exception, un propriétaire qui installe une nouvelle pelouse peut, pour une période de quinze (15) jours après le début des travaux d'ensemencement ou pose de tourbe, procéder à l'arrosage entre 18h et 22h.
Quiconque contrevient à cette disposition commet une infraction passible d'amende minimale de 75$ pour la première infraction; une amende minimale de 150$ pour une deuxième infraction et d'une amende minimale de 300$ pour une troisième infraction.
Pour toute information supplémentaire, prière de contacter:
Monsieur Stéphane Boisvert
Inspecteur minicipal
Téléphone : 450-546-2703, poste 112
Courriel :
Libellés : Acton Vale, Avis Public
hello! I`m surfing around in a lots og blogs! But I have never ever been in a blogg whose is on another language! Pretty cool! I don`t understand anything, but it`s cool to know that people in other country is blogging to!
Have a nice summer!
remember: Jesus loves you=)
thanx for leaving comment on my blog... and you find my blog intresting? this is intresting for me because you dont know the language (Urdu=Pakistan national language) and i am sure you even could not see it as urdu fonts are not installed on your PC may be with Tahoma.. i just know few words in french so cant tell you if your blog is intresting or not.. but it looks cool ..
happy blogging
wishes from New york
Oh thanx to google i just translated your page to english from french it is Good
Hi! thank for comment my blog..
Bueno, la verdad no soy muy bueno con el ingles y el frances mio es inexistente.. pero pasare por aca.
Hi from Mauritius. Merci d'avoir regarde mon blog. Le Blog independant c'est quoi? C'est quelque chose sur la politique international? J'ai pas eu le temps de tout lire. Anyway, thanks for commenting on my blog... It is definitely very different to what you post, but thanks anyway.
Hi there!
Thank you for patronizing my blog! Though I cannot comprehend the language on yours, I'm pretty sure that yours is equally if not, more interesting than mine!
Mark from Singapore
Merci por votre visite.
Je ai une soir in Canada, mas ele habite en Otário, ou parle anglais.
salut du Canada aussi bien!
Merci, Benoit. Ton Blog Indépendant aussi. Tu comprends le portuguais? Au revoir.
hehehe j'aurais jmais penser qu'un message d'interêt publique aurait interessé autant de monde, surtout quand il sagit d'arrosage de pelouse mais bon c'est bien. hehe non je ne sais pas parler le portuguais désoler.
Get Firefox!
Dear Benoit. I am very happy because you have visit my blog and even more happy because you have liked it. I´m sorry because I can´t read or speak french so I am not going to be able read your french posts in your blog. I have known you are from Quebec. Here in Spain people is quite interested in the process of independence there in Quebec because some people in Cataluña and País Vasco wants independence too, but they aren´t so tolerant how Quebec people and unfortunately there are a terrorist group that some times kill people without reason altough there are 2 years without deaths.
I wish Madrid is elected for Olimpic Games in 2012, It´s the best proyect with a lot of difference.
Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much.
Bonsoir, et meilleurs voeux. Hello from Dublin, Ireland. :)
I studied French for 7 years, so thanks for the challenge. This is an interesting blog, and I wish I could give a more thoughful comment.
I found your blog by chance and I find it really interesting.
C'est bon qu'il est en francais parcque je peux practiquer ma francais ici.
Ilya de long temps que je ne le parle pas, ces't pour ca que je suis en train de l'oublier.
Thanks for your comment in my blog ( I don´t know if you can read portuguese. But this blog is about political matters and Life quality. Get back any time ... thanks again.
So you just go around and check other people's blogs... that's pretty cool!!! I got to your blog by reading your commentary on a friend's blog. Then I read all the commentaries on this page, and well... it seems all you say in each of them pages is that their blogs are very interesting... I guess is a nice way to get readers and get comments from all around the world.
I actually read your post, and from what I understood is ilegal to water the flowers beetwen 7pm and 10, with tap (public) water, is that right? So the world is definitively going nuts then...
pretty cool that you are leaving comments in our blogs;) I don't understand your language, but you write a lot, wich is good:D
Good luck:D
I didn’t know it was bloggers from other countries! It was very cool! I can’t understand what you are writing, but I think (and hope) it is sensible. :)
I know Møyfrid and Ann Helen , and it was on Ann Helens blogg I found your address.
But… I have to go now… Keep going the good work with your blogg!
God bless you! :)
hi, i saw your comment on the blog. can you read portugueses? cause i can´t read french... ;o)
nice meeting you.
hi from turkey,
ne adamsın ya! internasyonel çalışıyorsun. kendine bu kadar adamdan yorum alabilmişsin. ben de diyorum bu damlar gelip sayfama ne yorumu yapıyor? türkçe anlıyorlar mı? yazmayacaktım bir de benden yorum olmasın diye ama kendimi tutamadım. niyetini anlamıştım. sayfama bakıp interesting diyorsun ama diğerleri gibi oooo ben fransızca bilmiyorum ama sayfan çok ilgince benziyor, sen türkçe biliyor musun demeyeceğim.
yazdıklarımı anlama diye ingilizce de yazmıyorum.
benden de mesaj almayı başardın.
yine de türkiyeden selamlar
Hello Benoit
I am planning on learning French, then maybe I can undestand more than merci and au revoir.
Thanks for the support.
I will always remember you as my first reader!
It feels great to now there's a world out there.
So, for now,
merci, et au revoir!
I don't undertand French, so i didn't understand anything you wrote. But thanks for your visit to my blog and also for your comment!
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